Meet Us
Sharing Our Mission
At Grady Health System, we work tirelessly to ensure that every individual in the metro Atlanta community is guaranteed access to world-class, compassionate health care – regardless of their ability to pay.
Health care starts at home in your daily life, with your family and your friends. It starts with healthy eating, proper housing, adequate transportation, and many other factors that Grady works to address each and every day. By addressing health care in your daily life, our hope is you’ll never have to walk through our doors.
But if you do, Team Grady will care for you as one of our own, and when you leave, you’ll always be a part of the Grady family.
Together, we are strong. We are proud to support our community, from within our doors all the way to yours.
But we need your support too. Simply put: Atlanta can’t live without Grady, and Grady can’t thrive without you.
Joselyn Baker
Our Mission and vision
The mission of the Grady Health Foundation is to grow both philanthropic support and broad-based understanding of the critical role that Grady Health System plays in the metro Atlanta region.
Our focus is to ensure Grady Health System has the resources and community support necessary to sustain excellence in patient care, foster medical innovation, train medical professionals, and improve the overall health of our community.
History of Grady Health System
Grady Health System was the vision of Atlanta leaders who worried about the lack of quality health care for Atlanta’s poor. On June 1, 1892, their extraordinary dream of addressing this crisis came true when the doors to Grady Hospital were officially opened. At that time, Grady Hospital had 110 beds and one operating room with an amphitheater for students and staff.
Grady Health System has grown considerably from its original facility, having undergone an ambitious renovation project in 1983 to construct the sixteen-story building that acts as the core of the current hospital. Several more renovation projects and building expansions comprise the 950+ bed facility that Grady Hospital is today, in addition to the 10 community health centers operated by Grady across the metro community.
Grady Health System today continues to maintain its strong commitment to the health care needs of the underserved while offering a full range of specialized medical services for all segments of the community. Since we first opened our doors, we have continually advanced our standard of care to provide for nothing short of world-class, cutting-edge health care for all of our patients.
In the 1890s, that meant providing the same quality of care for rich and poor, black and white. In the 1920s, it meant performing Georgia’s first open-heart surgery. In 2013, it meant creating the first neurological surgical suite within a dedicated stroke center to remove blood clots from the brains of stroke victims. Tomorrow, we will meet any challenge with every resource available and ensure that all who walk through our doors are provided with quality, compassionate care.
Grady Health System works tirelessly every day to meet the dynamic needs of our community, providing world-class, compassionate care to all who walk through our doors – but we can’t do any of it without you. Take a look at how investments like yours change and save lives for Grady patients each and every day.
Fresh Food For All.
In just our first year, Grady’s Jesse Hill Market has made tremendous strides to provide fresh, healthy meals to all those who lack access in our community. Take a look at all of the incredible work we’ve accomplished in our inaugural report.